The History of Bitcoin

When you look at cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and others, it’s important to see where the history of these new currencies started. Although Bitcoin is currently seeing one of the most dramatic drops in its price since the currency first cost the eye of initial investors, the truth is that it’s a currency that is going to provide investors with tremendous growth for years to come. Regardless of how it performs in the near future, there is no doubt that as a commodity, Bitcoin has captivated the financial world and serves as a catalyst for not only a new market, but it is important to track where it started to realize that this is going to be technology that is here to stay, whether or not Bitcoin itself stays around.


Bitcoin Beginnings

When you look at cryptocurrencies, it’s important to realize that from the early beginnings, there were currencies that were always around that aimed to be digital and anonymous. One of the first facets of this technology was the blockchain technology, a type of technology that favors randomizing pieces of code in order to change the way information is transmitted over the internet. This allows for greater levels of anonymity, and also, to ensure that when this information is sent, it can be done so instantaneously and swiftly. This makes it a very valuable commodity for a lot of different sectors. Unsavory characters like it because it means they can conceal their dealings and activities online, and this was one of the primary reasons Bitcoin had a bad name in its early history.

However, as time went on, companies and financial institutions realized that blockchain technology wouldn’t just serve to benefit Bitcoin by itself, but it could also be used for any other kind of cryptocurrency that was hoping to get value or relevancy. So even though they were no longer using it with Bitcoin, this technology could be used and incorporated with the other kinds of coins that were in circulation. This is why you’re not seeing a lot of other coins that are popping up in the marketplaces where they’re sold. So while Bitcoin has gotten most of the attention, in today’s financial market, it is still only one of a few hundred different kinds of coins, although, it obviously has the largest value and market cap in existence presently.

Current Bitcoin Value

Currently, Bitcoin has fallen a lot in terms of its value. With over a 20-30-percent decrease in a matter of days, there is no doubt that it is seen now as no longer potent and valuable as it once was. This is why it’s incredibly crucial for those that are looking to really make a difference as far as these investments are concerned, they should be aware that despite the present dip Bitcoin’s value in the marketplace, it only means that in the future there is going to be way more as far as investors are concerned, making it a very valuable commodity for years to come.